Above all else, we want you to know that you are valued and enough, regardless of what the stopwatch says. In the sometimes fickle world of sport, you may be led to think otherwise. But we wish you the strength and wisdom to rise above buying into the hollow success that comes when we define our worth by numbers.
We want you to participate in sport from a place of innate worthiness. From that place you will make wiser decisions about what serves your health and wellbeing best. It can be hard when you see those around trading in respect for their bodies for short-term returns in fitness. But the sooner you learn the futility of this, the sooner you will build unshakable foundations from which to truly thrive – in all areas of life.
It won’t be a perfect process and will require self-compassion, resilience, tweaking and light-heartedness along the way. As Gracelets we welcome and encourage openness in sharing our jagged journeys, such that we can learn from each other and seek together to be our best selves. This applies as much to the mentors as it does to you. The world needs our talents, our courage and our energy now more than ever, and for this to work best, we need to be both open and bonded.
Sport is often seen as zero-sum: someone wins, and someone loses. But in the face of this we encourage you to practice abundance in the knowledge that there is enough success to go around. And by being around success, we teach you to recognise that can it fertilise your growth as you feed off the courage and confidence taken to reach the heights you aspire to. But at the same time, we show you that the best way to proceed is to be happy and grateful for where you are now, with just a sprinkling of excited curiosity for what might lie ahead…
The feedback we offer is a function of the belief we have in you. The encouragement we give is to help energise your stride 1% more such that you can increasingly believe in yourself.
When uncertainty and scarcity descend, we will forearm you with information and the GRACE principles based in timeless wisdom to ward off those unhelpful voices. We are also here to help silence them. Draw from your inner spirit but reach out too.
We honour hard work, discipline, and perseverance, whilst revering rest and play. For Grace there must be balance. And yet as you stumble, we celebrate that you dared to try, and smile because we know your growth will now be accelerated, not just in the competition arena. And so, as you feel the pain of disappointment, instead of erasing it, we lean into it as it guides us one step closer to true Grace.
As you begin your Gracefull journey, the greatest gift that we can give to you is company, as together we dare greatly and grow Gracefully, inside and out. ... See more