Throughout my career as a professional athlete and in subsequent years as a coach and businesswoman, I have always enjoyed visiting schools to help motivate and inspire children to lead healthy lives and to follow their dreams. See below for the services on offer to help you get the most out of your pupils and schools, and visit our TrY-B page to see how you can qualify to receive these for free.

Customisable packages to meet government sport funding criteria. Schools signing up to a package get 25% off Seminars and Special Days.
Sports Coaching | Fun and challenging sessions led by qualified, experienced coaches. Programmes tailored in line with NGB, National Curriculum and FUNdamentals guidelines. |
£85/half day £140/day |
Teacher/Coach Training | Sharing of resources, ideas, planning suggestions, technology including useful apps, videos and music to enhance enjoyment and development. |
£75/hour |
After School Club | Multi-sport or sport-specific clubs with an emphasis on developing skills, fitness and fair play. |
£50 (£5 premium per child for numbers >16) |
Half term package Option 1 |
£700 |
Half term package Option 2 |
£1200 |
Topics can be delivered as schools assemblies or interactive class seminars. Schools signing up to a coaching package get 25% off Seminars and Special Days.
Inspirational assembly | Presentation charting my progress from primary school cross-country to international athletic success. Includes a Q&A opportunity. | £125/half day £200/full day |
Healthy eating and nutrition | Topics include:
Seminars involve simple, informative and interactive tasks and cooking demonstrations. Tasters provided. | |
PSHCE | Topics include:
Designed to inspire and educate. Compliment delivery of themed weeks in schools.
Athletics Taster Day |
| £125/half day £200/full day |
Olympic and Paralympic Values |
| |
Gifted and Talented Athlete Day | A half or full day spent working with a specially identified group of children covering the physical, nutritional and mental components of elite sports performance. | |
International Sports Day | A half or full day of PE classes playing games from around different cultures around the world. |
Seminars, presentations and workshops suitable for students with a desire to pursue sport at a high level. Can be rolled out as an after-school programme or integrated into the school day. Offerings can be adapted for both primary and secondary school ages.
Personal development plans – On-going goal setting tool to promote self-improvement and awareness throughout the Gifted and Talented programme.
Understanding health and well-being – using psychology, biology, philosophy and lessons from nature, you will be introduced to a model explains the basis for holistic well-being: physically, nutritionally and mentally. This forms the foundation of understanding that all future workshops are built upon.
Inspirational presentation – Charting progress from school sports to becoming Britain’s Female Athlete of the Year. Outlining hurdles overcome and lessons learned along the way helps to inspire resilience and a growth mindset.
Getting into the zone – Tips on diet, mental approach and warm-ups for competition readiness. Recognising the individual differences in each athlete, this workshop encourages participants to reflect on their pre-competition routines and to seek out the extra 1%’s that can make the crucial difference in the arena.
Resilience, stress and dealing with nerves – Sport prepares you for life. Not only will this workshop help to re-frame situations to promote optimal performance states, it embeds a stoic attitude that will serve to promote success in all areas of life.
Short and long-term recovery optimisation – Performance gains are elicited during recovery periods, not training sessions. And so it follows that the best athletes aren’t necessarily those that can train the hardest, but those that recover the smartest. This workshop offers dietary, ‘gadgetary’ and relaxation (including sleep) tips and routines to both optimise and expedite recovery states.
Sleep – A deeper scientific look at the importance of sleep together with the chance for athletes to determine if they are getting enough quality R&R to thrive. Includes powerful tips and tricks for how to overcome insomnia.
Developing positive routines – ‘The secret of your success is found in your daily routine’. There are so many things we know we ‘should’ do in order to be the best that we can be, but often it is just remembering and creating time for you to do them. This is where the power of routines comes in. In this interactive session you will get the chance to formulate sustainable routines that can seamlessly be integrated into your lives. We will focus on morning, night, pre and post-competition times. Marginal gains here you come!
Developing discipline – ‘Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don’t want to do it’…’It is the bridge between goals and accomplishments’. It is often said that discipline is a muscle – you have to train it. In today’s comfortable society, it is all too easy to fall into the grips of temptation that steers you along the path of an easy existence. Whilst this might provide short term gratification, true happiness, fulfilment and success remain elusive as deep down you know you are not being the best version of yourself. This workshop explains the forces at play as we navigate our daily decision making, giving you extra clarity and resolve to take the path less trodden… If you think you’re up to the challenge.
Goal setting – Taking the time to plan your path towards a goal increases your chance of success by 300%. However, there are surprising paradoxes as to how best to achieve them…
Marginal gains – popularised by the success of British cycling, this concept is explained, with powerful suggestions for 1%-ers that athletes can implement into their routine.
What’s your superpower? – Coaching philosophies have evolved in recent decades to embrace the carrot over the stick. Research now resoundingly shows that focusing on an athlete’s strengths is the key to setting them apart from the rest of the field.
Social media as a tool to fuel you – Explaining the effects of social media on our mental health and then getting athletes to determine if their feeds are nourishing or weakening their characters and resolve.
Happiness – the key to success. Using both basic quantum physics and sociology to highlight the need for individuals to work on their happiness. Questionnaire to encourage athletes to reflect on areas of their life that might be detracting from their positivity levels.
Balancing life’s pressures – training, academics, friends, family, jobs… the list goes on! A candid look at how a perceived lack of time actually represents a lack of priorities, then practically analyses how when you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else.
Lessons from professional sport applied to life – ‘Life is a full contact sport, and there is a score upon the board’. From false starts, to patience, to persistence, to efficiency, to dreaming big, to ethics and altruism: you can apply so many lessons from sport to life. Learn how to turn each challenge you encounter to your advantage in the knowledge that nothing is ever wasted. A motivating and inspiring talk that gives you the courage and faith to pursue your goals.
How to optimise training and revision during exam periods – ‘Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory and thinking skills’ – Harvard University. There is no denying that exam periods can be especially demanding for athletes with so many demands on your time and energy. But there are countless examples of elite athletes also being elite students. So rather than conveniently engineering excuses to suit your inclinations as to their mutual exclusivity (e.g. I did rubbish in my exams because of my training/competition schedule), you can absolutely use one to help the other. This workshop seeks to reduce the stress (and even panic!) surrounding exam periods using techniques to provide acute relief to stress symptoms, as well as dealing with the root cause of the stress. Thereafter, tangible tips are given to make the most effective and efficient use of your time both in your book and in your sports kit.
Optimising your ‘team’ – ‘Communication – the human connection – is key to personal and career success’. Not just for team sports; at the sharp end of sports performance, all athletes require a team of specialists around them. The oil in the cogs of this team is communication. There is most definitely an art to this, which can save huge amounts of time and unnecessary stress. Largely borrowed from the world of business and politics, this workshop not only gives you powerful tips to get to the root of the objective you are trying to convey, but also to focus on the most important information to disseminate.
Dealing with injury – ‘Injury is not just a process of recovery, it’s a process of discovery’. I don’t know of a single elite athlete that hasn’t had to overcome an injury – usually a whole catalogue of them. When you are striving for lofty goals that take you outside of your comfort zone, it comes with the territory. You have to be prepared to fall and get back up – an asset not just in sport, but in life itself. This workshop covers changes to your mindset, nutrition and training that will not only help expedite recovery from injury, but also teach you how to turn it to your advantage.
Preventing injury – ‘An ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure’. What does it really look like to be an elite athlete? All glitz and glamour? Think again. The successful athletes are the ones that are willing to do all the mundane, seemingly trivial ‘little things’ when the cameras are off. Get an insight into the ‘pre-hab’ routines common across elite sport, then make an honest appraisal of your own training schedules. Are you committed enough to enduring monotony?
Injury screening and postural awareness – Analysis of potential ‘hot-spots’ through range of motion and muscle activation observation. Explanation and demonstration of a ‘winning posture’.
Body maintenance – stretching, trigger point release, self-massage and foam rollering techniques taught to empower athletes to maintain their bodies.
Practical relaxation and recovery techniques – “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” —Alan Cohen. In this predominantly practical workshop you will experience sessions of the ‘Wim Hoff Breathing Method’ and mindfulness – both of which have been scientifically proven to induce relaxation and expedite recovery.
Fitness Pilates & Strength and Conditioning – Practical introduction to the importance of strength, postural control and athleticism.
How to improve your running technique – ‘Running makes you an athlete in all areas of life’. Running is key to success in so many sports. To run properly is an artform and but we are rarely instructed how to. This practical workshop takes you through five key elements of running form that will result in you running GRACE-fully thus increasing your efficiency and decreasing your injury prevalence. And by way of some bonus material, learn how these elements can be adapted and form the blueprint for living an optimal life.
Eat like a champion – Sport specific dietary and nutrition advice to optimise training and recovery. Example food diaries for endurance and power-based sports are given followed by a personal food diary analysis. Inspiration for healthy snacks plus post-training meals together with advice on timings are sure to get you on the right track to fueling your best performances.
Maintaining a healthy weight – ‘When you start eating food without labels, you no longer need to count calories’. We are fed so many confusing and conflicting messages about food and living in today’s obesogenic environment, it is even harder to get to the ‘truth’. Indeed, the full ‘truth’ extends further than just the food itself, encapsulating also the hormonal drives that steer our behaviours. This workshop will empower you to rise up against misinformation and temptation, creating a harmonious relationship with food that will serve you for a lifetime.
Healthy food preparation hacks – don’t have time? Don’t know how? Nonsense! Allow us to demonstrate how to prepare a range of quick and tasty snacks and meals that will satisfy your hunger and conscience.
Female athlete triad – a presentation given from personal experience of amenorrhoea (late onset and then loss of periods) and vicarious experience of training partners, this candid presentation emphasises the importance of thinking long term.
£50 flat rate per seminar with one deliverer, £75 with 2 deliverers plus:
Number of additional people | Amount to add to total per person | Get 1/3 off any additional seminar/presentation purchased |
1-9 | £5 | |
10-29 | £4 | |
30-49 | £3 | |
50-99 | £175 total | |
Add £50 for each additional 50 people thereafter |
NB Where travel is involved, mileage rates are charged at £1/mile (taking into account time and petrol). Mileage should be calculated from Baslow, DE45, each way. For locations where overnight stay would be required, please contact me.
Partnerships for mutual learning and benefit through classes, letter exchanges, fundraising projects and visits to Kenya
Twinned schools receive a minimum of 3 visits per year to deliver classes and assist in fundraising projects.
Sport – cross-class challenge. Compare results from exercises (e.g. number of sit-ups, press-ups, star jumps etc in 20 sec). See which class is the fittest! | £100/half day* £150 full day* *100% of fees are donated to the Kenyan School |
Wildlife – sharing photos from a survey of the school grounds; planting seeds that are native to each other’s countries | |
Music – share videos of classes performing traditional songs and dances! | |
Food – share food diaries. Do cooking demonstrations and tastings of Kenyan tea and ugali (staple food in Kenya made from corn maize). | |
Recycling – discuss waste issues. Make a ball from old plastic bags (common in Kenya) and play ball games. | |
Christmas and New Year – make cards and share hopes and aspirations, focusing on non-materialistic aspects. Presentation on how Christmas is in Kenya. | |
Revisit New Year’s Resolutions – Share photos and videos providing evidence of successes. |
Visits to Kenya
Teachers are encouraged to experience school life in first hand on our organised trips to Kenya. One week visits cost in the region of £1500.
Video from February 2014 visit:
Benefits to the schools
- Greater cultural and social understanding
- Promotes the awareness of social justice through emphasising equality and reciprocity
- Encourages personal and professional development in staff from both countries
- Motivates and inspires pupils and teachers
- Community engagement via fundraising projects
“As I professional athlete, I spent winters training at altitude in the Kenyan Rift Valley. When out on runs I was always struck by the vitality and playfulness of the children out there as they joined you for short stretches with their bare feet and customary ‘Ow are yoo?’ greetings.
Having worked in a number of primary schools back in the UK, it occurred to me how wonderful it would be create links between children in the two countries to foster new friendships and a greater awareness of different cultures.
I have since led successful projects in Sheffield and the Peak District and have been touched by the engagement of the schools involved in both their openness to learning and in their desire to help their twinned school.”
Becky Lyne
Director TrYumph in Life CIC
“I am quite excited to tell this story about this lady called Becky Lyne.
My first encounter with her was when she first came to visit our school – Chebonet primary.
Chebonet Primary is situated In the outskirts of Iten town in Kenya, a town famous for producing world class athletes but the school never produced any sensational athlete until when Becky came and charmed them. How she managed to influence them so quickly I cant explain but after her talk they began to look at things differently. They have changed for the better.
Twelve pupils, after listening to Becky decided the following day, to start training as athletes – they all wanted be to like Becky; well mannered and able to interact even with the lowliest in the society (Chebonet being a public rural school is considered lowly in status).
During her stay in Kenya, Becky maintained regular visits to the school and the pupils became even more attached to her. Then came the time for Becky to leave Kenya for she had only come together with the British team to train in Iten. The pupils were very sad that she had to leave but Becky left the young athletes some of her running kits that she din’t want to carry back home. This even inspired the athletes further. They continued training and it is worth mentioning here that when the inter school athletics completion came, Chebonet primary was number one.
Becky’s goodness to the school did not end there, she has since helped to procure for the school a full kit for football and volleyball teams. She also bought several balls for the children to play with.
All these endeavours by Becky have really helped build the spirits of the pupils of Chebonet. Far from improving in academics and self esteem, Chebonet school has managed to catch the eyes of renowned coaches like Bro. Colm Oconnel (David Rudisha’s coach) who has picked one girl (Ruth Chemeli) from Chebonet school to train at his famous athletes camp at St. Patrick’s Iten. The school’s football, volleyball and Netball teams are doing even better.
We are all very happy to be associated with Becky Lyne”
James Onunda
Head teacher Chebonet Primary School, Iten, Kenya.
Tailor your inset day to suit the needs of your staff by selecting from our range of TrY-B seminars.
NB Prices are approximated a third of what we charge for our Corporate Wellness Days in order to both recognise budgetary restrictions of schools and to enhance our relationships with schools such that they may help to promote our services to their pupil’s families. Schools also qualify to receive our services for free as part of our One4One Pledge.
£50 flat rate per seminar plus:
Number of additional people | Amount to add to total per person | Optional venue hire at Baslow Sports Field is £75 per half day or £150 per full day. |
1-9 | £5 | |
10-29 | £4 | |
30-49 | £3 | |
50-99 | £175 total | |
Add £50 for each additional 50 people thereafter |
NB Where travel is involved, mileage rates are charged at £1/mile (taking into account time and petrol). Mileage should be calculated from Baslow, DE45 1SP, each way. For locations where overnight stay would be required, please contact me.